Our Motivation

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matthew 7:24 

Our Purpose

The goal of this ministry is to encourage believers to live in a life-transforming and joy-filled relationship with Jesus Christ, for the glory of God and the good of the local church. David Jackman, former President of The Proclamation Trust says: “Christians all know that who Jesus is and what He came to accomplish through his death and resurrection lie at the heart of the Christian faith. But what do these blessings (of salvation) actually mean in our present lives? And why does it seem so difficult to access them and enjoy them? Authored by Gillian Clegg, Building on the Rock is a wonderful biblical tool to help us understand what it means to be ‘in Christ’ and how we can experience his transforming power in all life’s changes and challenges.”

Our Approach

Our approach is to teach believers what it means for them to be ‘in Christ’, and to examine their lives in the light of biblical truth. Course members are gently encouraged to invite the grace of God into areas of personal struggle and to allow the Holy Spirit to convict them of the need for change. As the gospel is applied more widely and deeply than before, and the barriers of sin and bondage, pain and condemnation are prayerfully brought to the cross, greater forgiveness, freedom, healing and victory will be experienced ‘in Christ’.


Who will benefit

This ministry can help any believer who desires to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus but struggles with painful relationships, habitual sin patterns and unbelief. It is suitable both for Christians who have walked with Christ for many years, as well as the younger disciple. It is also extremely helpful for those already involved in ministry, who are looking for an effective biblical tool to help others.

Testimonies from previous workshops

“I was taught through Building on the Rock to examine my life and to apply biblical truths to my pain and sinful behaviour patterns. I learned how to forgive those who have hurt me and live in full surrender to Jesus.” 

“The course has deepened my knowledge of the gospel and my ability to faithfully apply it in my life and share it with others. It has equipped me with practical experience and tools for ministry. I have been reminded of Christ’s love: that he has set me free from the slavery of sin and secured my salvation in him despite the pain, wounds and temptations that come my way.”

Building on the Rock has helped me to identify and deal with past pain and sinful reactions and has shown me how to deal with them using the Scriptures.”

“I only discovered what true freedom ‘in Christ’ is when I attended a ‘Building on the Rock’ workshop.”

“I will definitely consider going again on a ‘Building on the Rock’ workshop. It was probably the best weekend away that I have ever been on and life changing!”

"The course has given me practical tools to deepen my relationship with the Lord. The series has also helped me to start the evaluative and growing process.”

"I learnt to trust in Him, not in man or man's opinion but to trust His Truth!"

"It's been a revelation to me of WHO Jesus is and how central He is to my very existence. I now realise I can't survive without really knowing Him."


Sign up for BTR in 2021

Join us on Tuesday evenings from 10th August to 21st September over Zoom.