Do you have doubts, objections and criticisms of Christianity?

In an attempt to address some of these difficult questions, we have collated responses from the team at SBBC as well as from other international scholars and theologians which we hope will be helpful to you as you explore Christianity.

The Bible

How do we know the Bible is the Word of God?

Why do the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament appear to be so different?

Isn't the Bible just a book of myths?

Do Christians believe Noah’s Ark really happened?

Why is the virgin birth so important?

Does the Bible condone slavery?


The Church

I believe in God, but what’s the point of church?

I’ve had some bad experiences with church, so why should I give Christianity another chance?


Christian Beliefs

I’m a good person, surely God isn’t going to send me to hell?

Aren't all religions essentially the same?

Why does God care who I sleep with?

Christianity & The World

Is Christianity the source of the world’s problems?