Malawi Bible College


Although Europe was the centre of Christendom for hundreds of years, the 20th century saw the beginning of a southward shift in the nucleus of the Christian world. Today, statistics suggest that the future of the church is African.

Consequently, there is now an urgent need for many more biblically literate, well-equipped ministers in African churches who can faithfully preach and teach God’s Word in context, and defend the Christian faith with clarity. To meet this need, more evangelical, interdenominational Bible colleges need to be established.

Malawi is one such country in need of better local training for pastors. The gospel was brought to Malawi by David Livingstone in 1859 and today, 75% of the population claim to be Christians (19% of which are apparently evangelical). Yet at present, there are no interdenominational evangelical Bible colleges in the region that teach pure theology up to a degree level.

Malawi Bible College is the vision of White Zibophe, a Malawian student at George Whitefield College currently completing his PhD in Old Testament studies. He envisions a curriculum that is specifically suited to the African context and that includes online training in order to reach pastors beyond Malawi’s borders.

Contact us to find out how you can help White’s dream become a reality.