Scripture: Luke 23:32-42
Speaker: Bishop Frank Retief
Jesus' Perspective on Suffering
Scripture: Matthew 10:16-42
Speaker: Dr Pete Smuts
Out of the Depths
Scripture: Psalm 130
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Our Surprising Surrender
Scripture: John 6:41-59
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The Bread of Life
Scripture: John 6:25-40
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The Perfect Sufficiency of Jesus
Scripture: John 6:1-15
Speaker: Simon Clegg
What Jesus Will Do Tomorrow
Scripture: John 5:24-30
Speaker: Simon Clegg
What Is Jesus Doing Today?
Scripture: John 5:16-24
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Do You Want To Get Well?
Scripture: John 5:1-15
Speaker: Simon Clegg
On Mission with Jesus
Scripture: John 4:1-30
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Born Again?
Scripture: John 3:1-15
Speaker: Simon Clegg
From Religion to Reality
Scripture: John 2:1-11
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The Word for Today
Scripture: John 1:1-18
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Why John's Gospel?
Scripture: John 20:24-31
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Be A Wholehearted Disciple (Please)
Scripture: Revelation 3:14-22
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The Open Door
Scripture: Revelation 3:3-13
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Wake Up
Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Hold On To What You Have
Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Finishing Well
Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17
Speaker: Simon Clegg
When the Church Suffers
Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11
Speaker: Simon Clegg