Scripture: Mark 11:12-25
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Confused about the King
Scripture: Mark 11:1-11
Speaker: Simon Clegg
A Model Disciple
Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Mission and Motive
Scripture: Mark 10:32-45
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The Cost of Discipleship
Scripture: Mark 10:17-31
Speaker: Simon Clegg
God with us
Scripture: Titus 2:11-14
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Kingdom Qualifications
Scripture: Mark 10:1-16
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Kingdom Conduct
Scripture: Mark 9:33-50
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Frail Faith in a Strong Saviour
Scripture: Mark 9:14-32
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Look back to the Future
Scripture: Mark 9:2-13
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Christ and Two Crosses
Scripture: Mark 8:31- 9:1
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Half Right, Half Wrong!
Scripture: Mark 8:22-30
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Dealing with Deafness
Scripture: Mark 7:31-8:21
Speaker: Simon Clegg
What's really wrong with the world?
Scripture: Mark 7:14-30
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The Basis of Fellowship
Scripture: Mark 7:1-13
Speaker: Simon Clegg
The King's Patience
Scripture: Mark 6:45-56
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Surprising Satisfaction
Scripture: Mark 6:30-44
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Opportunity missed!
Scripture: Mark 6:14-29
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Trouble at Home
Scripture: Mark 6:1-13
Speaker: Simon Clegg
Our Only Hope
Scripture: Mark 5:21-43
Speaker: Simon Clegg